Dear Friends,
MSNBC Interview of CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera. Michelle gives us a good strategic overview picture of the total amount of money needed for the US Bailouts - a staggering US$1 Trillion, and still counting.
I reiterate my opinion - "No Country, can bail out every one who is in trouble". Sooner or later, the US Government is going to throw up its hands, and let those who need to fail, FAIL.
My biggest guess? AIG.
AIG has already received US$110 billion, and now needs another US$40 billion. It would be worth considering IF for sure, this is the last needed cash injection, BUT, I doubt it.
So far, people have been complaining and criticizing as to why taxpayers should be paying for such mismanagement. I would like to share a different paradigm -
How many jobs would be created if the US Government invest this money to build thousands of schools, universities, hospitals, and old folks homes, for the ageing Baby Boomers?
What about Joint Ventures to the set up Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plants for Generic Drugs, to cater to the impending demand, and to lower costs to consumers?
What about building a few important highways / MRT (Mass Railway Transit) to further ease traffic jams and reduce gasoline consumption?
US$150 billion would sure help a lot of people who need help. US$1 Trillion Bailout Funds is a lot more Money. Maybe it's time to start asking
"What is the ROI (Return on Investment) for every Dollar to be Spent, in terms of Job Retention / Creation, that is SUSTAINABLE?"
Best wishes
Migrating to a new blog
16 years ago
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