Friday, December 12, 2008

If You Think China's Economy is OK, Watch this Video!

Dear Friends,

There was a time, not so long ago, when the argument of fund managers and market analysts were that China would be the key driver in the world economy should America catch a cold.

Here is a video clip from MSNBC.Com that should change your perspective. I noticed that the reaction in China is so much different from another video clip I saw, where a few hundred workers lost their jobs overnight without compensation, and went on a peaceful protest.

The issue is not whether China workers are emotionally more reactive than US workers, but rather,

"Will workers around the world, who lose their jobs in the next two years, become aggressive and violent out of financial desperation?"

It is easy to argue that certain people are more aggressive and reactive than others. However, who understands the pain and desperation these people are going through? Who are we to judge them, unless we have experienced what they are experiencing?

Best wishes,


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