Liability Exclusion Clause - The writings here are the personal opinions of this blogger, and its primary objective is to document, share and discuss these opinions. In this respect, this Blogger will not be responsible or liable for any decisions you make or didn't make, due to whatsoever reasons. Life is full of choices, and you have to take sole responsibility for your own decisions and actions.
Something must be very wrong if Kansas City is forced to close nearly half of all its schools, in order to improve its financial situation. You can read more about it on MSNBC's website article entitled "Schools to close in Kansas City, Mo., by fall" .
Here's another creative song video from Kurt Schneider and Sam Tsui. Sam is singing "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey, whilse Kurt does the backup instrumentals and production.
I do not know these two people, but I think they will go places over the next decade. I wish them every success in their future endeavor.
By the way, did you realize that all the images are of the same person, i.e. Sam Tsui himself? In the Michael Jackson Medley, all the images were also of one person, except for the person at the utmost left. Quite a creative piece of work. Well done!
These two people are really working on their dreams!
Here is an awesome capella of a medley of songs from Michael Jackson sung by Sam Tsui, with Kurt Schneider doing the arrangement and the production. Excellent piece of creative work. Enjoy!
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